Yesterday was the day whereby i OFFICIALLY graduated from TP! :p mixed feelings. happy & sad! :(
i'm elated to see j2! been quite some time since we last get together as a class!
I miss the fun we had together during the practicums! (: tired yet fun and enjoyable!
full of unforgettable and memorable memories!
Nice chat with some of the girls yesterday! hehe. meet up soon again! hehe! (:
I realised that in life, there are losses but you'll never know how much more you'll gain in return! isn't it a good thing? hmm..that's why it's always good to have an optimistic outlook on life!
sometimes you will overlook what's out there if you're always in your small small circle! anyway,what's yours is yours , no point hanging/holding on to something that's not yours anymore (:
someone told me before that we live and learn, i'll always bear that in mind. (:
i adore peeps who are expressive & who show their concern and love generously, we only live life for once! thus, it's important that we show our loved ones that we care for them! hehe.i'm being super random again! haha! (:
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