Celebrated my 19th birthday with j2 on friday at ramen ten! i'm quite surprised when almost the whole j2 appeared at ramen ten because i really didnt expect to see them there! =p hehe! i thought only h.o.s will be having dinner together with mi! i only start to suspect when we were reaching there but before that i really got no clue of this surprise! hehe! (:
thanks a lot j2! my 17th ,18th and 19th birthday is celebrated together with u all! memories of all that will always stay in my heart ya! haha, for the past two years for my birthday, u all "ganged" up with our bmic teacher and mdm lau to give me surprises! hehe. thanks again for all the surprises and presents! i appreciate what you all had done very very much! (:
i'm so glad i'm in j2! everyone is just so nice and fun to be with! =p because of you guys , my poly life is so colourful and full of laughters and joy! LOVE ALL OF YOU tuckloads! (:
photos taken frm hapi's blog :
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