Sunday, February 5, 2012

First post of 2012! (:

My first post for 2012! It's February already! January passed by without knowing. 2011 had been a fruitful year! May 2012 be an interesting and exciting year too, lots of new discoveries for me to go and explore! Made many new friends and colleagues in 2011, what's so great was that, they're all nice people! There are still many many good souls around!(: Give and Take - essence to maintaining any relationship :D Not forgetting my friends who are always there, may we have more meet ups and gatherings!

Most importantly, my family! Although, CNY this year was a bit boring but I witnessed what's the true meaning of kinship and the bond between one another could be brought closer due to an incident. It's through those 'incidents' that we feel and get 'touched' by another person/people that you want to 'build' and 'mantain' your relationship with that person/people. (:

Passion is the intrinsic motivation that push you to go further :D